
  • stats : Object - An object with following fields:

    • asset_usd_value : double - Asset USD value

    • debt_usd_value : double - Debt USD value

    • net_usd_value : double - Net asset USD value

  • update_at : double - Update time, possibly from the cache, so the time is not the current value.

  • name : string - The front end is displayed to the user to indicate the corresponding function. The value is one of :

    • Yield ,

    • Deposit,

      • Similar to Yield but without the daily income

      • Used in more complicated scenarios such as spot positions from DDEX and pools from Pooltogether

    • Staked,

      • Deposits and reward tokens are the same. E.g., You can deposit “CAKE” to get the "CAKE" rewards in PancakeSwap.

      • No unlock time

    • Locked,

      • Similar to "Staked" but with the unlock time

    • Farming,

      • Deposits and reward tokens are differnet

    • Leveraged Farming ,

    • Lending,

    • Vesting,

    • Rewards,

    • Airdrop

    • Liquidity Pool,

      • eg: Curve、Uniswap、1inch、DODO

    • Options Seller,

    • Options Buyer,

    • Insurance Seller,

    • Insurance Buyer,

    • Investment,

      • TokenSets

    • Governance,

    • Perpetuals .

    • NFT Staked

      • eg. Ape Stake

    • NFT Liquidity Pool

      • eg. sudoswap

    • NFT Lending

      • eg. BendDao

    • NFT Fraction

      • eg. NFTX

    • NFT P2P Borrower

    • NFT P2P Lender

  • detail_types : Array of string - See below.

  • detail : Object - An object with following fields:

    • supply_token_list : Array of TokenObject

    • reward_token_list : Array of TokenObject

    • borrow_token_list : Array of TokenObject

  • proxy_detail : Object - If the field is not empty, the portfolio_item is a position for the user's agency contract account. An object with following fields:

    • project: Object - An object with following fields:

      • id : string - Protocol's id.

      • name : string - Protocol's name.

      • site_url : string - Protocol's site url.

      • logo_url : string - Logo url.

    • proxy_contract_id : string - The proxy contract address

  • pool: Object - An object with following fields:

    • controller: string - controller address of pool which the user interactive to.

    • id: string - Pool's unique id. For most case, it's the same as controller id, but if one controller address has several pools, the id will be used as a field to distinguish the pool. For example, one pool id in sushiswap farming can be expressed as 0xc2edad668740f1aa35e4d8f227fb8e17dca888cd:5, the 5 is the index. You can call contract abi function poolLength to retrive the length of pools.

    • chain: string - Chain's id, eg. arb, eth, bsc

    • project_id: string - Protocol's id which the pool related to.

  • position_index: string - Unique position id of the user in this pool. If the pool allow user have more than one position, "position_index" will be available. othewise, there will be no this field.

About detail_types

  • May return multiple or zero

  • Priority increases from left to right, i.e. the most detailed & best user experience types are on the rightmost end

  • Typically the client uses the type that has been adapted & has the highest priority

  • For multiple reasons, there are no types available on the client side, so only the lowest level of presentation is available to the user based on statistical fields (e.g. net worth)

    • Back-end implementation does not populate detail_types (rare)

    • The backend fails the automated detection of the type field and removes the type from the detail_types (rare)

    • A new type appears that has not yet been adapted by the client (more common)

About the different types of Token

Token can be used in different scenarios (i.e. different detail_types) with special fields in addition to the generic fields to meet specific needs, such as in the lending example above. A supply_token in the supply_token_list will have an additional field

  • amount - the amount of money deposited in the token The borrow_token in the borrow_token_list will have an additional field

  • amount - the amount of money borrowed by the token

  • is_collateral - whether the supply_token can be collateralized.

About detail_type

A detail_type definition consists of two parts

  • The fields in detail

  • the extended fields of the token in each token_list

detail_type This value is one of common , locked , lending , leveraged_farming , vesting , reward , options_seller , options_buyer, insurance_seller , insurance_buyer , perpetuals , nft_common , nft_lending, nft_fraction .

A * identifies the field as required, otherwise it is optional. If the optional field has no value, then the field will not exist.

common - generic type

e.g. uniswap2(Liquidity Pool), yearn2(Farm), pooltogether(Deposit) The corresponding names are in brackets, same as below

  • *supply_token_list - the value of the token

    • *amount

  • reward_token_list - reward token

    • *amount

  • borrow_token_list - debt token

    • *amount

  • description - description, e.g. Curve's liquidity pool will generally have the community-accepted name 3Pool

locked - locked position

Example bsc_ellipsis(Locked)

  • *supply_token_list - charge token

    • *amount

  • *unlock_at - unlock time

  • reward_token_list - reward token

    • *amount

  • description - description, e.g. Curve's liquidity pool will generally have the community accepted name 3Pool

  "id": "fei",
  "chain": "eth",
  "name": "Fei Protocol",
  "site_url": "https://app.fei.money",
  "logo_url": "https://static.debank.com/image/project/logo_url/fei/422fd342a44237b70ae4107b93c2dd01.png",
  "has_supported_portfolio": true,
  "tvl": 428173039.709026,
  "portfolio_item_list": [
      "stats": {
        "asset_usd_value": 40.2528,
        "debt_usd_value": 0,
        "net_usd_value": 40.2528
      "update_at": 1639642969.2155075,
      "name": "Locked",
      "detail_types": ["locked"],
      "detail": {
        "supply_token_list": [
            "id": "0xbffb152b9392e38cddc275d818a3db7fe364596b",
            "chain": "eth",
            "name": "Fei Genesis Group",
            "symbol": "FGEN",
            "display_symbol": null,
            "optimized_symbol": "FGEN",
            "decimals": 18,
            "logo_url": null,
            "protocol_id": "fei",
            "price": 4025.28,
            "is_verified": true,
            "is_core": true,
            "is_wallet": true,
            "time_at": 1616909486,
            "amount": 0.01
        "unlock_at": 1617476353
      "proxy_detail": {},
      "pool": {
        "controller": "0x7d2768de32b0b80b7a3454c06bdac94a69ddc7a9",
        "id": "0x7d2768de32b0b80b7a3454c06bdac94a69ddc7a9",
        "chain": "eth",
        "project_id": "aave2"

lending - the type of lending

e.g. aave2(Lending), compound(Lending)

  • *supply_token_list - deposit token

    • *amount - the amount of deposits

  • *borrow_token_list - borrowing token

    • *amount - number of loans

  • reward_token_list - reward token

    • amount - the amount of rewards

  • *health_rate - health factor

  "id": "compound",
  "chain": "eth",
  "name": "Compound",
  "site_url": "https://app.compound.finance",
  "logo_url": "https://static.debank.com/image/project/logo_url/compound/0b792243f1f68e9ed082f5a49ee6f21d.png",
  "has_supported_portfolio": true,
  "tvl": 12763095483.420198,
  "portfolio_item_list": [
      "stats": {
        "asset_usd_value": 3.1936420758652284,
        "debt_usd_value": 0.0000030267553188504803,
        "net_usd_value": 3.1936390491099096
      "update_at": 1639643327.1661053,
      "name": "Lending",
      "detail_types": ["lending"],
      "detail": {
        "supply_token_list": [
            "id": "0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f",
            "chain": "eth",
            "name": "Dai Stablecoin",
            "symbol": "DAI",
            "display_symbol": null,
            "optimized_symbol": "DAI",
            "decimals": 18,
            "logo_url": "https://static.debank.com/image/eth_token/logo_url/0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f/549c4205dbb199f1b8b03af783f35e71.png",
            "protocol_id": "makerdao",
            "price": 1,
            "is_verified": true,
            "is_core": true,
            "is_wallet": true,
            "time_at": 1573672677,
            "amount": 2.1778000124879227,
            "is_collateral": true
            "id": "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48",
            "chain": "eth",
            "name": "USD Coin",
            "symbol": "USDC",
            "display_symbol": null,
            "optimized_symbol": "USDC",
            "decimals": 6,
            "logo_url": "https://static.debank.com/image/eth_token/logo_url/0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48/adee072b10b0db7c5bd7a28dd4fbe96f.png",
            "protocol_id": "",
            "price": 1,
            "is_verified": true,
            "is_core": true,
            "is_wallet": true,
            "time_at": 1533324504,
            "amount": 1.0158420633773058,
            "is_collateral": true
        "borrow_token_list": [
            "id": "eth",
            "chain": "eth",
            "name": "ETH",
            "symbol": "ETH",
            "display_symbol": null,
            "optimized_symbol": "ETH",
            "decimals": 18,
            "logo_url": "https://static.debank.com/image/token/logo_url/eth/935ae4e4d1d12d59a99717a24f2540b5.png",
            "protocol_id": "",
            "price": 4021.66,
            "is_verified": true,
            "is_core": true,
            "is_wallet": true,
            "time_at": 1483200000,
            "amount": 7.52613428e-10
        "health_rate": 844109.745105694
      "proxy_detail": {}
      "stats": {
        "asset_usd_value": 0.20412694047971483,
        "debt_usd_value": 0,
        "net_usd_value": 0.20412694047971483
      "update_at": 1639643327.1773217,
      "name": "Rewards",
      "detail_types": ["reward"],
      "detail": {
        "token_list": [
            "id": "0xc00e94cb662c3520282e6f5717214004a7f26888",
            "chain": "eth",
            "name": "Compound",
            "symbol": "COMP",
            "display_symbol": null,
            "optimized_symbol": "COMP",
            "decimals": 18,
            "logo_url": "https://static.debank.com/image/eth_token/logo_url/0xc00e94cb662c3520282e6f5717214004a7f26888/dd174d3d7083fa027a433dc50edaf0bc.png",
            "protocol_id": "compound",
            "price": 194.64263022881642,
            "is_verified": true,
            "is_core": true,
            "is_wallet": true,
            "time_at": 1583280535,
            "amount": 0.001048726788369788
      "proxy_detail": {}
      "stats": {
        "asset_usd_value": 4.0234347279462925,
        "debt_usd_value": 0,
        "net_usd_value": 4.0234347279462925
      "update_at": 1639643326.9171333,
      "name": "Lending",
      "detail_types": ["lending"],
      "detail": {
        "supply_token_list": [
            "id": "eth",
            "chain": "eth",
            "name": "ETH",
            "symbol": "ETH",
            "display_symbol": null,
            "optimized_symbol": "ETH",
            "decimals": 18,
            "logo_url": "https://static.debank.com/image/token/logo_url/eth/935ae4e4d1d12d59a99717a24f2540b5.png",
            "protocol_id": "",
            "price": 4021.66,
            "is_verified": true,
            "is_core": true,
            "is_wallet": true,
            "time_at": 1483200000,
            "amount": 0.0010004412923882906,
            "is_collateral": true
        "borrow_token_list": [],
        "health_rate": null
      "proxy_detail": {
        "project": {
          "id": "instadapp",
          "name": "Instadapp",
          "site_url": "https://instadapp.io",
          "logo_url": "https://static.debank.com/image/project/logo_url/instadapp/0f6a25368dce3552364b43a29cbc1586.png"
        "proxy_contract_id": "0x45593df3bfa53ee18baec198b9954f0b918cfc40"
      "stats": {
        "asset_usd_value": 0.0011735055758092564,
        "debt_usd_value": 0,
        "net_usd_value": 0.0011735055758092564
      "update_at": 1639643326.9288304,
      "name": "Rewards",
      "detail_types": ["reward"],
      "detail": {
        "token_list": [
            "id": "0xc00e94cb662c3520282e6f5717214004a7f26888",
            "chain": "eth",
            "name": "Compound",
            "symbol": "COMP",
            "display_symbol": null,
            "optimized_symbol": "COMP",
            "decimals": 18,
            "logo_url": "https://static.debank.com/image/eth_token/logo_url/0xc00e94cb662c3520282e6f5717214004a7f26888/dd174d3d7083fa027a433dc50edaf0bc.png",
            "protocol_id": "compound",
            "price": 194.64263022881642,
            "is_verified": true,
            "is_core": true,
            "is_wallet": true,
            "time_at": 1583280535,
            "amount": 0.000006029026500668
      "proxy_detail": {
        "project": {
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          "name": "Instadapp",
          "site_url": "https://instadapp.io",
          "logo_url": "https://static.debank.com/image/project/logo_url/instadapp/0f6a25368dce3552364b43a29cbc1586.png"
        "proxy_contract_id": "0x45593df3bfa53ee18baec198b9954f0b918cfc40"
      "stats": {
        "asset_usd_value": 2.1289871979769353,
        "debt_usd_value": 1.3024714991314075,
        "net_usd_value": 0.8265156988455278
      "update_at": 1639643327.0022216,
      "name": "Lending",
      "detail_types": ["lending"],
      "detail": {
        "supply_token_list": [
            "id": "0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f",
            "chain": "eth",
            "name": "Dai Stablecoin",
            "symbol": "DAI",
            "display_symbol": null,
            "optimized_symbol": "DAI",
            "decimals": 18,
            "logo_url": "https://static.debank.com/image/eth_token/logo_url/0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f/549c4205dbb199f1b8b03af783f35e71.png",
            "protocol_id": "makerdao",
            "price": 1,
            "is_verified": true,
            "is_core": true,
            "is_wallet": true,
            "time_at": 1573672677,
            "amount": 2.1289871979769353,
            "is_collateral": true
        "borrow_token_list": [
            "id": "0x0d8775f648430679a709e98d2b0cb6250d2887ef",
            "chain": "eth",
            "name": "Basic Attention Token",
            "symbol": "BAT",
            "display_symbol": null,
            "optimized_symbol": "BAT",
            "decimals": 18,
            "logo_url": "https://static.debank.com/image/eth_token/logo_url/0x0d8775f648430679a709e98d2b0cb6250d2887ef/c5913bbde8a620ce2a47d8c4694e7dbb.png",
            "protocol_id": "",
            "price": 1.1651,
            "is_verified": true,
            "is_core": true,
            "is_wallet": true,
            "time_at": 1496083510,
            "amount": 1.117905329269082
        "health_rate": 1.3076599061993848
      "proxy_detail": {
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      "stats": {
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      "detail_types": ["reward"],
      "detail": {
        "token_list": [
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            "display_symbol": null,
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            "logo_url": "https://static.debank.com/image/eth_token/logo_url/0xc00e94cb662c3520282e6f5717214004a7f26888/dd174d3d7083fa027a433dc50edaf0bc.png",
            "protocol_id": "compound",
            "price": 194.64263022881642,
            "is_verified": true,
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            "time_at": 1583280535,
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      "proxy_detail": {
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      "update_at": 1639643327.0933123,
      "name": "Lending",
      "detail_types": ["lending"],
      "detail": {
        "supply_token_list": [
            "id": "0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f",
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            "name": "Dai Stablecoin",
            "symbol": "DAI",
            "display_symbol": null,
            "optimized_symbol": "DAI",
            "decimals": 18,
            "logo_url": "https://static.debank.com/image/eth_token/logo_url/0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f/549c4205dbb199f1b8b03af783f35e71.png",
            "protocol_id": "makerdao",
            "price": 1,
            "is_verified": true,
            "is_core": true,
            "is_wallet": true,
            "time_at": 1573672677,
            "amount": 1.0768181423571452,
            "is_collateral": false
        "borrow_token_list": [],
        "health_rate": null
      "proxy_detail": {
        "project": {
          "id": "makerdao",
          "name": "Maker",
          "site_url": "https://oasis.app",
          "logo_url": "https://static.debank.com/image/project/logo_url/makerdao/3821328c7c6d5ac4fc87e2c2e4d1c684.png"
        "proxy_contract_id": "0x47b9a12e33ea26d583f56e7b53cabe89cc2a1212"
      "stats": {
        "asset_usd_value": 0.04932694529757137,
        "debt_usd_value": 0,
        "net_usd_value": 0.04932694529757137
      "update_at": 1639643327.1036785,
      "name": "Rewards",
      "detail_types": ["reward"],
      "detail": {
        "token_list": [
            "id": "0xc00e94cb662c3520282e6f5717214004a7f26888",
            "chain": "eth",
            "name": "Compound",
            "symbol": "COMP",
            "display_symbol": null,
            "optimized_symbol": "COMP",
            "decimals": 18,
            "logo_url": "https://static.debank.com/image/eth_token/logo_url/0xc00e94cb662c3520282e6f5717214004a7f26888/dd174d3d7083fa027a433dc50edaf0bc.png",
            "protocol_id": "compound",
            "price": 194.64263022881642,
            "is_verified": true,
            "is_core": true,
            "is_wallet": true,
            "time_at": 1583280535,
            "amount": 0.00025342313366596
      "proxy_detail": {
        "project": {
          "id": "makerdao",
          "name": "Maker",
          "site_url": "https://oasis.app",
          "logo_url": "https://static.debank.com/image/project/logo_url/makerdao/3821328c7c6d5ac4fc87e2c2e4d1c684.png"
        "proxy_contract_id": "0x47b9a12e33ea26d583f56e7b53cabe89cc2a1212"

leveraged_farming - leveraged mining

For example alpha (Farming)

  • *supply_token_list - deposit token

    • *amount - amount of deposits

  • *borrow_token_list - borrow token

    • *amount - amount of money borrowed

  • *debt_ratio - debt ratio

  "id": "alpha2",
  "chain": "eth",
  "name": "Alpha Homora V2",
  "site_url": "https://homora-v2.alphafinance.io",
  "logo_url": "https://static.debank.com/image/project/logo_url/alpha2/07b6b9df8fdc9d29801cf461e14f8790.png",
  "has_supported_portfolio": true,
  "tvl": 0,
  "portfolio_item_list": [
      "stats": {
        "asset_usd_value": 19.334538984053285,
        "debt_usd_value": 0,
        "net_usd_value": 19.334538984053285
      "update_at": 1639643523.347684,
      "name": "Yield",
      "detail_types": ["common"],
      "detail": {
        "supply_token_list": [
            "id": "0x514910771af9ca656af840dff83e8264ecf986ca",
            "chain": "eth",
            "name": "ChainLink Token",
            "symbol": "LINK",
            "display_symbol": null,
            "optimized_symbol": "LINK",
            "decimals": 18,
            "logo_url": "https://static.debank.com/image/eth_token/logo_url/0x514910771af9ca656af840dff83e8264ecf986ca/69425617db0ef93a7c21c4f9b81c7ca5.png",
            "protocol_id": "chainlink",
            "price": 19.7113,
            "is_verified": true,
            "is_core": true,
            "is_wallet": true,
            "time_at": 1505597189,
            "amount": 0.9808860391782015
      "proxy_detail": {}
      "stats": {
        "asset_usd_value": 10.138813052520218,
        "debt_usd_value": 0,
        "net_usd_value": 10.138813052520218
      "update_at": 1639643523.368311,
      "name": "Yield",
      "detail_types": ["common"],
      "detail": {
        "supply_token_list": [
            "id": "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48",
            "chain": "eth",
            "name": "USD Coin",
            "symbol": "USDC",
            "display_symbol": null,
            "optimized_symbol": "USDC",
            "decimals": 6,
            "logo_url": "https://static.debank.com/image/eth_token/logo_url/0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48/adee072b10b0db7c5bd7a28dd4fbe96f.png",
            "protocol_id": "",
            "price": 1,
            "is_verified": true,
            "is_core": true,
            "is_wallet": true,
            "time_at": 1533324504,
            "amount": 10.138813052520218
      "proxy_detail": {}
      "stats": {
        "asset_usd_value": 55.41834444961402,
        "debt_usd_value": 23.895761,
        "net_usd_value": 31.522583449614018
      "update_at": 1639643523.4191692,
      "name": "Leveraged Farming",
      "detail_types": ["leveraged_farming"],
      "detail": {
        "debt_ratio": 0.4311886476819217,
        "supply_token_list": [
            "id": "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48",
            "chain": "eth",
            "name": "USD Coin",
            "symbol": "USDC",
            "display_symbol": null,
            "optimized_symbol": "USDC",
            "decimals": 6,
            "logo_url": "https://static.debank.com/image/eth_token/logo_url/0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48/adee072b10b0db7c5bd7a28dd4fbe96f.png",
            "protocol_id": "",
            "price": 1,
            "is_verified": true,
            "is_core": true,
            "is_wallet": true,
            "time_at": 1533324504,
            "amount": 27.692826417425458
            "id": "0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7",
            "chain": "eth",
            "name": "Tether USD",
            "symbol": "USDT",
            "display_symbol": null,
            "optimized_symbol": "USDT",
            "decimals": 6,
            "logo_url": "https://static.debank.com/image/eth_token/logo_url/0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7/66eadee7b7bb16b75e02b570ab8d5c01.png",
            "protocol_id": "",
            "price": 1,
            "is_verified": true,
            "is_core": true,
            "is_wallet": true,
            "time_at": 1511829681,
            "amount": 27.72551803218856
        "borrow_token_list": [
            "id": "0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7",
            "chain": "eth",
            "name": "Tether USD",
            "symbol": "USDT",
            "display_symbol": null,
            "optimized_symbol": "USDT",
            "decimals": 6,
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            "protocol_id": "",
            "price": 1,
            "is_verified": true,
            "is_core": true,
            "is_wallet": true,
            "time_at": 1511829681,
            "amount": 8.548689
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            "symbol": "USDC",
            "display_symbol": null,
            "optimized_symbol": "USDC",
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            "protocol_id": "",
            "price": 1,
            "is_verified": true,
            "is_core": true,
            "is_wallet": true,
            "time_at": 1533324504,
            "amount": 15.347072
      "proxy_detail": {}

vesting - instalment release

For example bzx2(Vesting)

  • *token - release token

    • *amount - current total amount to be released

    • claimable_amount - the current number of claims available

  • daily_unlock_amount - the number of releases per day

  • end_at - release completion time

  "id": "olympusdao",
  "chain": "eth",
  "name": "Olympus",
  "site_url": "https://app.olympusdao.finance",
  "logo_url": "https://static.debank.com/image/project/logo_url/olympusdao/7de5c458c4bcae136daa046eb4ef5b49.png",
  "has_supported_portfolio": true,
  "tvl": 3452083624.9747066,
  "portfolio_item_list": [
      "stats": {
        "asset_usd_value": 462.72964044444984,
        "debt_usd_value": 0,
        "net_usd_value": 462.72964044444984
      "update_at": 1639643755.5289097,
      "name": "Staked",
      "detail_types": ["common"],
      "detail": {
        "supply_token_list": [
            "id": "0x383518188c0c6d7730d91b2c03a03c837814a899",
            "chain": "eth",
            "name": "Olympus",
            "symbol": "OHM",
            "display_symbol": null,
            "optimized_symbol": "OHM",
            "decimals": 9,
            "logo_url": "https://static.debank.com/image/eth_token/logo_url/0x383518188c0c6d7730d91b2c03a03c837814a899/0ad387f86fba0c16654cfb0f720df5d6.png",
            "protocol_id": "olympusdao",
            "price": 404.9456457553985,
            "is_verified": true,
            "is_core": true,
            "is_wallet": true,
            "time_at": 1616366920,
            "amount": 1.142695681
      "proxy_detail": {}
      "stats": {
        "asset_usd_value": 4.247140798170627,
        "debt_usd_value": 0,
        "net_usd_value": 4.247140798170627
      "update_at": 1639643755.552204,
      "name": "Vesting",
      "detail_types": ["vesting"],
      "detail": {
        "token": {
          "id": "0x383518188c0c6d7730d91b2c03a03c837814a899",
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          "price": 404.9456457553985,
          "is_verified": true,
          "is_core": true,
          "is_wallet": true,
          "time_at": 1616366920,
          "amount": 0.010488175,
          "claimable_amount": 0.010488175
      "proxy_detail": {}

reward - combined reward

Example bxz2(Rewards)

  • *token_list - reward token

    • *amount

  "id": "bzx2",
  "chain": "eth",
  "name": "bZx",
  "site_url": "https://bzx.network",
  "logo_url": "https://static.debank.com/image/project/logo_url/bzx2/d6d212d2a62576e69030caa618271cb9.png",
  "has_supported_portfolio": true,
  "tvl": 18899312.906230893,
  "portfolio_item_list": [
      "stats": {
        "asset_usd_value": 11.13610744580042,
        "debt_usd_value": 0,
        "net_usd_value": 11.13610744580042
      "update_at": 1639643579.3529913,
      "name": "Lending",
      "detail_types": [
      "detail": {
        "supply_token_list": [
            "id": "0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f",
            "chain": "eth",
            "name": "Dai Stablecoin",
            "symbol": "DAI",
            "display_symbol": null,
            "optimized_symbol": "DAI",
            "decimals": 18,
            "logo_url": "https://static.debank.com/image/eth_token/logo_url/0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f/549c4205dbb199f1b8b03af783f35e71.png",
            "protocol_id": "makerdao",
            "price": 1,
            "is_verified": true,
            "is_core": true,
            "is_wallet": true,
            "time_at": 1573672677,
            "amount": 11.13610744580042
      "proxy_detail": {}
      "stats": {
        "asset_usd_value": 3.6990247350893855,
        "debt_usd_value": 0,
        "net_usd_value": 3.6990247350893855
      "update_at": 1639643579.3705492,
      "name": "Rewards",
      "detail_types": [
      "detail": {
        "token_list": [
            "id": "0xb72b31907c1c95f3650b64b2469e08edacee5e8f",
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            "optimized_symbol": "vBZRX",
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            "is_verified": true,
            "is_core": false,
            "is_wallet": false,
            "time_at": 1594509894,
            "amount": 13.620476800650975
      "proxy_detail": {}

options_seller - option seller

  • *type - option type, Call or Put

  • *collateral_token - collateral

  • *underlying_token - the underlying asset

    • *amount - the number of underlying

  • *strike_token - the token paid for the exercise of the option

    • *amount - the number of tokens paid on exercise, divided by the number of underlying tokens, which gives the price

  • *style - American or European style option

  • exercise_start_at - the time at which an exercise begins

  • *exercise_end_at - the time at which the exercise ends

  • *is_auto_exercise - whether the option is automatically exercised at expiry

  • *exercise_profit - the profit on the exercise of the option

  • usd_value - the market price of the option

  "id": "bsc_helmet",
  "chain": "bsc",
  "name": "Helmet",
  "site_url": "https://app.helmet.insure",
  "logo_url": "https://static.debank.com/image/project/logo_url/bsc_helmet/49d11226e17a2003e87b300677023f2d.png",
  "has_supported_portfolio": true,
  "tvl": 0,
  "portfolio_item_list": [
      "stats": {
        "asset_usd_value": 96.12000003844801,
        "debt_usd_value": 0,
        "net_usd_value": 96.12000003844801
      "update_at": 1639643880.1258543,
      "name": "Options Seller",
      "detail_types": ["options_seller"],
      "detail": {
        "type": "Put",
        "strike_token": {
          "id": "0xbb4cdb9cbd36b01bd1cbaebf2de08d9173bc095c",
          "chain": "bsc",
          "name": "Wrapped BNB",
          "symbol": "WBNB",
          "display_symbol": null,
          "optimized_symbol": "WBNB",
          "decimals": 18,
          "logo_url": "https://static.debank.com/image/bsc_token/logo_url/0xbb4cdb9cbd36b01bd1cbaebf2de08d9173bc095c/142b5c2f8f2d184afd067e43f583d3e6.png",
          "protocol_id": "",
          "price": 534,
          "is_verified": true,
          "is_core": true,
          "is_wallet": true,
          "time_at": 1599119584,
          "amount": 0.180000000072
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          "optimized_symbol": "BTCB",
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          "price": 48812.55,
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          "is_core": true,
          "is_wallet": true,
          "time_at": 1599043687,
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